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Naga: The WorldFish Center Quarterly - (WorldFish Center)
Nagoya Mathematical Journal - (Nagoya University, Graduate School of Mathematics)
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - (Copernicus GmbH)
Nómadas - (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Nebula - (Rima I.T)
NeoAmericanist - (University of Western Ontario, Centre for American Studies)
Neotropical Entomology - (Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil)
Nepal Journal of Neuroscience - (Neuroscience Forum, Nepal)
Neuroanatomy - (M. Mustafa Aldur)
Neurobiology of Lipids - (Neurobiology of Lipids)
NeurocirugÃa - (Sociedad Española de NeurocirugÃa)
Neurologia medico-chirurgica - (The Japan Neurosurgical Society)
Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology - (American Academy of Clinical Neurophysiology)
Neurology Asia - (ASEAN Neurological Association)
Neurology India - (Medknow Publications)
NeuroQuantology - (NeuroQuantology)
Neurosurgical Focus - (American Association of Neurological Surgeons)
New Balkan Politics - (Institute for Sociological and Political Research, Skopje)
New Disease Reports - (British Society for Plant Pathology)
New England Law Review - (New England School of Law)
New Horizons in Adult Education - (Nova Southeastern University)
New Journal of Physics - (Institute of Physics (IoP) and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft)
New South Wales Public Health Bulletin - (New South Wales , Department of Health)
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy - (New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists)
Nexus Network Journal: architecture and mathematics - (Kim Williams Books)
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research - (Surgical Sciences Research Society, Zaria )
Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide - (Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art)
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems - (Education and Upbringing Publishing)
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics - (Copernicus GmbH)
Nordic Journal of Building Physics: acta physica aedificiorum - (Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, Institutionen för Byggvetenskap)
Nordic Notes - (Flinders University Adelaide, Centre for Scandinavian Studies)
Nordic Road and Transport Research - (Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut)
Nordicom Review - (Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research (Nordicom))
Nordicum-Mediterraneum - (University of Akureyri)
Nordlit. Arbeidstidsskrift i litteratur. - (Det humanistiske fakultet. Universitetet i Tromsø)
Nordlyd - (Department of Linguistics at the University of Tromsø, Norway)
Norsk geologisk tidsskrift - (Norwegian Geological Society (Norsk Geologisk Forening, NGF))
North American Journal of Welsh Studies - (North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History)
North Carolina Medical Journal - (North Carolina Institute of Medicine)
Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property - (Northwestern University School of Law )
Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights - (Northwestern University School of Law)
Notices of the American Mathematical Society - (American Mathematical Society)
Nouvelles "vues" sur le cinéma québécois - (cadrage.net)
Nova Economia - (Economics Department at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. Teorija i istorija literatury, kritika i bibliografija - (Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie)
Novos Estudos Cebrap - (Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento)
Nuclear Receptor - (BioMed Central)
Nuclear Receptor Signaling - (Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas)
Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection - (VINÄŒA Institute of Nuclear Sciences)
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) - (Oxford University Press )
Nueva sociedad - (Nueva Sociedad, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)
Nuevo mundo - mundos nuevos - (CERMA - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)
Nutrición Hospitalaria - (Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral)
Nutrition & Metabolism - (BioMed Central)
Nutrition Bytes - (University of California eScholarship Repository Journals)
Nutrition Journal - (BioMed Central)
Nutrition Noteworthy - (University of California eScholarship Repository Journals)
NZ Journal of Teachers' Work - (Massey University, New Zealand)