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The Medieval Chronicle VII

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The Medieval Chronicle VII

Guest Editors Juliana Dresvina and Nicholas Sparks
General Editor Erik Kooper

Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2011. IX, 266 pp. (The Medieval Chronicle 7)
ISBN: 978-90-420-3342-9 Paper
ISBN: 978-94-012-0041-7 E-Book

There are several reasons why the chronicle is particularly suited as the topic of a yearbook. In the first place there is its ubiquity: all over Europe and throughout the Middle Ages chronicles were written, both in Latin and in the vernacular, and not only in Europe but also in the countries neighbouring on it, like those of the Arabic world. Secondly, all chronicles raise such questions as by whom, for whom, or for what purpose were they written, how do they reconstruct the past, what determined the choice of verse or prose, or what kind of literary influences are discernable in them. Finally, many chronicles have been beautifully illuminated, and the relation between text and image leads to a wholly different set of questions.

The yearbook The Medieval Chronicle aims to provide a representative survey of the on-going research in the field of chronicle studies, illustrated by examples from specific chronicles from a wide variety of countries, periods and cultural backgrounds.

The Medieval Chronicle is published in cooperation with the \"Medieval Chronicle Society\".

Julia Bolton Holloway: Romancing the Chronicle
Nicholas Evans: The Irish Chronicles and the British to Anglo-Saxon Transition in Seventh-Century Northumbria
Sally Lamb: Evidence from Absence: Omission and Inclusion in Early Medieval Annals
Nicholas Sparks: The ‘Parker Chronicle’: Chronology Gone Awry
Thea Summerfield: Filling the Gap: Brutus in the Historia Brittonum, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle MS F, and Geoffrey of Monmouth

Alan Cooper: Walter Map on Henry I: The Creation of Eminently Useful History
Jane Roberts: Ældad’s Judgement: An Episode in Laзamon’s Brut
Helen Fulton: Troy Story: The Medieval Welsh Ystorya Dared and the Brut Tradition of British History
Meredith Clermont-Ferrand: Joan of Arc and the English Chroniclers: Monstrous Presence and Problematic Absence in The Chronicle of London, The Chronicle of William of Worcester, and An English Chronicle 1377-1461

Sarah L. Peverley: Chronicling the Fortunes of Kings: John Hardyng’s use of Walton’s Boethius, Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, and Lydgate’s ‘King Henry VI’s Triumphal Entry into London’

Matthew Phillpott: The Compilation of a Sixteenth-Century Ecclesiastical History: The Use of Matthew Paris in John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments

Anna Seregina: Religious Controversies and History Writing in Sixteenth-Century England
Marije Pots and Erik Kooper: Arthur. A New Critical Edition of the Fifteenth-Century Middle English Verse Chronicle