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Ra, Revista de Arquitectura is yearly published by the School of Architecture of the University of ...

RA aims to serve, specifically, the intellectual production of Theory and History, Urban Planning and Architectural Projects Departments, although it is initially open to articles and collaboration from other professional and teaching institutions. It also seeks to feed the perception of architecture as a cultural discipline, in the extensive sense of the word. RA avoids the publication of studio projects or faculty work which are more suitable covered by so many magazines in that field.


Articles, spanish or english, should be around 3500-4000 words. Articles must be submitted, on a CD or by e-mail, accompanied by copies of text and images. Text should be saved as Micrososoft Word or rtf format, while images as tiff or jpeg with a resolution of at least 300dpi and a proper size. All figures should be numbered clearly in the text and image captions and credits must be included. It is the responsability of the author to secure permissions for image use or to include all the original sources. A brief summary (around 50-100 words) is also required.

When an article has been received, its receipt will be acknowledged from the coordinator to the author. The article is then sent anonimously, reviewed and evaluated at least by two members of the Editorial Board. In the selection protocol each author is confindentially informed no later than one month, whether the article might be consider or not for publication. Aditionally comments or suggestions are made in order to further development and evaluation.

For further information please contact to the coordinator.