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Schlager Group ( is looking for writers to contribute to The Encyclope...

This four-volume set will be published by Facts On File in conjunction with another four-volume set, The Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Medieval World. Writing for the Ancient World set will take place under the direction of the editor in chief, Peter Bogucki, with the aid of a board of editorial advisers for separate regions of the world (R. Hunt Davis, Jr., Professor Emeritus of History and African Studies, University of Florida, is the adviser for Africa). The four-volume Ancient World set covers prehistory to the fall of Rome (476 CE), arranged A to Z by 69 headwords, from “adornment” through “writing” and including such topics as art, death and burial practices, education, natural disasters, science, and trade and exchange. Each entry (headword) is composed of an introduction that outlines the major developments in chronological sequence, followed by subsections on eight major regions: Mesopotamia and the Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas. The regional subsections under most of the entry terms will be 1,100 words in length.

The regional subsections for fourteen major topics (such as “art” and “social organization”) will be covered in 4,000 words. The set is meant for high-school or community-college use and for the general public. Please write to Marcia Merryman Means at if you have an interest in participating in this project. Be sure to include your résumé and a writing sample.