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SFPS Research Workshop for Graduate Students

Institut Français du Royaume Uni, London

10 November 2006

The Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies will hold a Postgraduate Research Workshop on 10 November 2006. The workshop will include sessions on presenting work at conferences, publishing and careers, and will provide an invaluable opportunity to meet other postgraduates working in similar areas of research. Further details, an outline programme and booking forms can be found on the website: (Please follow the link under ‘Conferences and Study Days')

Call for Papers

We invite proposals for 15-minute papers from graduate students in any discipline for a session focusing on the current state of postcolonialism, addressing any of the following issues:

Schools of thought in Francophone postcolonial studies

Issues involved in studying the legacies of empire

Approaches to studying postcolonialism in France and outside of France by French / Francophone Studies scholars

The meeting of French Studies and Francophone Studies (and beyond…Anglophone / Lusophone Studies)

Interdisciplinary research in Francophone Studies

Papers on related subjects are welcome.

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to Charlotte Baker at the following e mail address: clearly marked ‘SFPS workshop’.

Abstracts should be received no later than 31 August, 2006.