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International Conference Turkish Art and Archaeology

25-27 April 2007


First Call for Papers and Sessions

Selcuk University will hold its annual conference in Konya, Turkey in April 2007. The conference program addresses diverse topics related to Turkish Art and Archaeology, and will provide an excellent opportunity for scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines and different parts of the world to meet and discuss the many fascinating aspects of Turkish Archaeology.

You are requested to send your proposals for sessions and/or papers by 5 November 2006.

Major themes are: Türkish Art and Archaeology; Middle Age Art and Architecture in Anatolia. Other relevant session topics are welcome.

Each session should have four or five papers. Proposals for individual papers may also be submitted. Please include also information on the session chair, a one-page CV for each author, and an abstract of max. 500 words, including the title and contact addresses. You can also send your proposal for a poster with max. of 500 words.

Accepted session, paper and poster proposals will be notified by 30 December 2006 and the second call for papers with announced sessions will be sent by 31 January 2007.

Please send your proposal to Mr.Osman ERAVSAR, e-mail:

On behalf of the organizers, we invite you to Konya. Prof. Dr. Haºim Karpuz, Chairman of the Scientific Committee Prof. Dr.Halit Çal, Chairman of the Organising Committee Dr. Osman ERAVªAR, President.

The event is co-organized and hosted by University of Selcuk (Dept. of Art History) and Konya Chamber of Commerce.

Learn more about the conference and tentative programme at the conference website: