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The Frederick Jackson Turner Award, first given in 1959 as the Prize Studies Award of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association, has been given each year by the Organization of American Historians for an author's first book on some significant phase of American history and also to the press that submits and publishes it.

The rules and terms of the competition are as follows:

1. the work must be the first book-length study of history published by the author;

2. if the author has a Ph.D., he/she must have received it no earlier than seven years prior to submission of the manuscript for publication;

3. the work must be published in the calendar year before the award is given;

4. the work must deal with some significant phase of American history. Each entry must be published during the period January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006.

One copy of each entry must be received by each committee member by October 1, 2006. Final page proofs may be used for books to be published after October 1, 2006 and before January 1, 2007. If a final page proof is submitted, a bound copy of the entry must be received no later than January 7, 2007. No late submissions will be accepted. If a book carries a copyright date that is different from the publication date, but the actual publication date falls during the correct time frame making it eligible, please include a letter of explanation with each copy of the book sent to committee members.

The winning author receives $1,000. The winning press receives a certificate and a complimentary ad for the book in the Journal of American History. The award will be presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the OAH in Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 29-April 1. One copy of each entry, clearly labeled "2007 Frederick Jackson Turner Award Entry," must be mailed directly to:

Vicki L. Ruiz (Committee Chair)

Department of History

200 Murray Kreiger Hall

University of California, Irvine

Irvine, CA 92697-3275

Susan A. Glenn

Department of History

Box 353560

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195

Steven W. Usselman

School of History, Technology & Society

Georgia Institute of Technology

685 Cherry Street

Atlanta, GA 30332-0345